Behaviour Management Procedures

Alsager Sixth Form take a measured and supportive approach to upholding the high standards expected of students. The process of this is detailed below and ensures that the sixth form is a safe environment for all students, providing the structure required for students to conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive with current and future success. 

GreenAll work up to date

Regular engagement with independent learning in all subjects.

Attends on time for all lessons.

Consistently following sixth form dress code.

Engagement with sixth form and wider communities, e.g. mentoring/tutoring, volunteering and enrichment (societies and guest speaker programme).
Letter/postcard sent home celebrating success.

Student success celebrated during mentoring and assemblies

Students qualify for flexibility over study periods.

First refusal on any enrichment opportunities.
ALERT – stage 1

Passive approach to learning in lessons or independent study periods.

Missed deadline for homework/coursework.

Unprepared with the required equipment/book/folder.

Instance of truancy (being in school but absent from a lesson/independent study without permission)

Lateness to lessons/independent study sessions.

Inappropriate use of time in sixth form.

Failure to wear ID badge.

Breach of the school’s IT policy, e.g. inappropriate internet searches.

Failure to follow sixth form dress code.
Student has conversation with member of staff affected and /or tutor and arrange restorative action.

Incident entered with negative BFL code – 3 x negative codes will result in an after school detention.

Yellow alert logged on CPOMs (Tutor, Director of Sixth Form and SLT link notified).

Review of student status after 2 weeks
If all parties concerned are satisfied that the necessary changes/actions have taken place within a two-week period, the student will return to Green Status.
If not, the student will move to Orange Alert.
ALERT- stage 2
Disruptive approach to learning in lessons or independent study periods.

Failure to make necessary changes following Yellow Alert.

Failure to attend after school detention.

Repeated lateness to lessons/independent study sessions.

Failure to hand in work/meet coursework deadlines.

Antisocial behaviour in sixth form impacting on students or staff.

Breach of the IT Policy causing serious inconvenience to others or damage to the Sixth Form systems/services
Formal verbal warning from Director of Sixth Form.

Orange Alert logged on CPOMs (Tutor, Director of Sixth Form and SLT link notified).

Orange alert letter sent home Student to have a formal interview with Director of Sixth Form – targets to be set and reviewed by tutor.

Headteacher detention.
If all parties concerned are satisfied that the necessary changes/actions have taken place within the planned time period, the student will return to Green Status.
If not, the student will move to Red Alert.
ALERT – stage 3
Failure to make necessary changes following Orange Alert

Failure to disclose identity when reasonably requested for it or giving incorrect information

Swearing or verbal abuse directed at students or staff

Being in possession of vaping or smoking paraphernalia on site.

Vaping or smoking on site.

Misuse or damage to sixth form property.

Failure to comply with the driving policy.

Viewing inappropriate material online.
Possible fixed term exclusion

Letter home informing parents/carers of red alert.

Appointment for formal meeting of students and their parent/carer with senior staff

Learner Agreement with action plan and time scale for change put in place, with learner, parents/carers & school given clear targets and responsibilities.

Review date agreed
If all parties concerned are satisfied that the necessary changes/actions have taken place within the planned time period, the student will return to Green Status.
If not, the student will move to Red Alert.
RISK OF LOSING PLACE IN SIXTH FORMFailure to make necessary changes following Red Alert Learner Agreement.

Physical abuse or threat of physical abuse.

Harassment or discriminatory behaviour.

Victimisation and criminal activity including possession or use of drugs and alcohol, theft and violence.

Deliberate damage to School property

Serious violation of the school’s rules and procedures concerning Health and Safety Serious violation of the IT Policy

Damaging the reputation of the school and sixth form.

Repeated failure to comply with sixth form rules, policies, warnings or code of conduct.
Investigation by Director of Sixth Form.

Fixed term exclusion.

Referral to Headteacher.

Referral to the Police (criminal activity).

Student completes a managed move to another institution.

Permanent exclusion.

Mr Middlebrook
An Achieving School; A Caring Community” underpins our approach in education.
Alsager School
Mr Middlebrook
An Achieving School; A Caring Community” underpins our approach in education.
Mrs O'Neill
Alsager School is a fantastic community where we foster kindness and respect.
Alsager School
Mrs O'Neill
Alsager School is a fantastic community where we foster kindness and respect.
Alsager School