Message from the parent governors

alsager school

Good afternoon,

We hope that you have had a relaxing half term.

Firstly, can we thank all parents who have been in touch with us this term. 

A number of you have contacted us and the school about the uniform policy. As a result, a couple of amendments have been made to the uniform policy. It has been updated on the website.  Knee length grey tailored shorts have been added and black socks for PE can be long plain black socks (they no longer need the ALSAGER text down the calf)

Some concern has been expressed at governor meetings about some parents telling their child that they must not do sanctions such as detentions. This causes significant disruption to the running of the school. I am sure most of us chose Alsager School for the high standards that it has. The school does legally have the right to discipline pupils, so we ask that you support the school.

As a governing body we recently reviewed the critical incident policy and have requested that the school practices a lockdown procedure. Mrs O’Neill will share details with parents/carers and pupils this half term. A number of local schools have had to implement their lockdown procedures and we think it makes sense to have a practice with the whole school. 

Last term there were a number of events for parents at school. Most of the feedback we have had about parents’ evenings is that parents prefer the online format, but parents still want to be able to come into school. Please do come into school when events are on and support the work of the staff.  Both the ‘preparing to perform’ and KS3 showcase were really well attended.  

Parent governors have been involved this term in the QA process in school, have reviewed the school improvement plan and helped set the targets for this academic year. 

In order to continue to celebrate success the school has introduced a platinum ticket. You will receive an email if your child has got one.  As our children get older, they become more reluctant to talk to us about school, so this provides the perfect opportunity to chat about what they have been doing.

A reminder of the need to be civil and respectful with any correspondence with the school. Work with the school to address any concerns you have. If there is something that you are not happy with or have a concern, the procedure should be to contact the subject teacher/faculty lead in the first instance, then SLT link and if it still remains unresolved make an appointment to speak with Mrs O’Neill. The chair of governors will deal with any concerns that Mrs O’Neill has not been able to resolve. The governance email address should not be used as part of the complaints policy. Please do not use social media platforms to comment on the school.

A number of governors met last half term to determine how the Parents in Partnership donations should be spent.  We decided to invest in a range of equipment and experiences such as reader pens and a visiting author.  If you are able to make a donation, or know of former students who may be in a position to donate, please access the website and click on the DONATE tab.  You can make a one-off payment or monthly donations.

There is lots going on this half term, keep an eye out on social media for any updates.

Should you wish to contact us as your parent governors, please do so by using the link: Parent/carer communication with PARENT GOVERNORS

A reminder that this is not part of the complaints’ procedure, but we do liaise closely with the leadership team when issues are raised and either a parent governor or a member of the senior leadership team will respond to you, whichever is most appropriate.  

Have a lovely weekend.

Parent Governors, Alsager School

Mr Colin Christian, Mrs Anna Wheaver, Mr Andrew Brindley, Mr Andrew Pilbury, Mrs Liz Hancock

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