Sporting Round Up

Sporting Round Up

What fixtures are on next week (W/B Monday 9th October) 

Monday 9th October 

  • Cross Country AWAY at Sandbach Boys School – All years (Meet at Medwyn Jones at 3:10pm, return approx. 5:30pm) 

Tuesday 10th October

  • Netball HOME v Holmes Chapel (Meet at the Sportshall Changing rooms at 3:10pm) 
  • Cheshire Cup – Year 9 Football AWAY v Cransley (Selected pupils only – Meet at Medwyn Jones at 2:00pm, return approx. 5:00pm). 

Wednesday 11th October 

  • Cheshire Cup – Year 10/ U13 Girls Football HOME v Hartford (Selected pupils only – Meet at Medwyn Jones at 3:10pm) 

Week Beginning 2nd October

Cross Country  

Alsager had another successful Cross-country event this Monday. Alsager pupils were on mass and had some excellent results. With a 2nd, 3rd, 4th place for Minor boys Fin, Theo and Harrison. A 1st and 3rd place finish for Grace and Summer in the Minor girls. In the Junior boys Isaac and James continue their winning streak and gained 1st and 2nd again. Arthur and Sam came 1st and 2nd in the Inter boys and had an excellent race. Well done to all pupils who participated, it was a great turn out. 

Football v Shavington 

This week’s football saw pupils play against Shavington. The Year 7s won 2 – 1. Year 8s drew 2 – 2. Year 9s lost 6 – 3. Year 10s won 4 – 2 and Year 11s won 3 – 0. All pupils played really well and showed great sportsmanship in all games.  Cornovii Cup – Netball AWAY v Brine Leas 

On Tuesday, we had our first Cornovii Cup fixture against Brine Leas. The Cornovii Cup is a brand-new tournament against Brine Leas to see who is triumphant at the end of the year, in both sporting and non-sporting activities. The first fixture was Netball AWAY at Brine Leas. We had an excellent start with 3 wins (Year 8, 9 and 11), a draw (Year 7) and a loss (Year 10). All girls played extremely well, and we are proud of their efforts!   

Endball Intercollege 

On Wednesday, we had our second Intercollege of the year. This time it was Year 7 and 8 Endball. We had a good turnout, with all colleges competing for those all-important initial points. It was a great competition with Dod being triumphant for Year 7 and Moreton for Year 8. 

Sporting Honours 
Year 7 
Abi D has had some fantastic sporting achievements over the summer in Netball.  
At the end of the summer, Abi trialled for Super League Netball academy, Loughborough Lightning (U14s) and was successfully selected!  

Year 8  
A huge congratulations to Ellie S and Isabella B in Year 8, who have both been selected to represent their county for Staffordshire Netball. The trials were extremely competitive with over 200 girls trialling to get 20 places. Well done Ellie and Isabella, this is excellent news, and we wish you all the best with the Netball season.  

Year 9 

Over the summer Matilda W swam the length of Windermere (11 miles) as part of a 3-person relay team. This is an outstanding sporting achievement, and we are very proud of Matilda. Matilda regularly competes in open water swimming competitions. From this, the producers of Blue Peter got wind of Matilda’s excellent efforts and got in touch. She was asked to do some filming for Blue Peter and got to help the presenters complete a challenge at Salford Quays. Amazing work Tilda, we hope you show off your Blue Peter badge with pride! 

Year 10

Lincoln recently competed in the North Midlands Championships for Taekwondo. Lincoln did extremely well and walked away with 2 Gold medals and 1 Bronze medal. Well done Lincoln! This is great news. 

Over the summer, Charlie W was called up to attend the U16s Wales National Team football training camp in Cardiff. From this, Charlie was then selected and placed on standby to go to France to play for Wales at the beginning of October. Well done Charlie!  

What clubs are on next week (W/B Monday 9th October) 

Tuesday – Football – All years  

Wednesday – Rugby – Year 7/8/9  

                       – Girls Football – All years 

Thursday – Basketball – All years

Friday – Badminton – All years 

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