Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

I’d like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and I hope that 2022 brings you joy.  We have finally made it to the end of term.  I know that many of you will have been putting up with tired teenagers for the past few weeks and staff have been clinging on, too.  I think you know it’s time for a break when you get emotional at the McDonald’s Christmas advert!

We are still expecting to return in January as normal; we will have mass testing on Tuesday 4th January and students should return as normal. Please do continue to take the LFD tests throughout the holidays and particularly on the day before, or the morning of, our return to school.  A gentle reminder that we expect all students to return in January in full school uniform and for those getting a Christmas haircut, it needs to be compliant with school policy on their return. 

I will keep a keen eye on the changing picture of Covid infections nationally and whilst I would love for this to be my final communication of the year to you, if we do encounter any dramatic changes, I will send out messages via our social media and parent mail.  

We have certainly got into the festive spirit this week.  The canteen staff have prepared a fantastic Christmas lunch all week which brought with it the annual question of who likes sprouts!  They came out surprisingly well.  A big thank you to our canteen staff for all of the preparation that has gone into that and for all of their hard work throughout the year.

We have form parties to end the term today so expect to have your children returning ‘hooked up on sugar’.  There have also been some fantastic Christmas jumpers today and it stayed just cold enough to be able to keep them on!

There are always pros and cons to finishing this far in advance of Christmas Day.  I imagine there will be many making good use of the time to settle in and watch some festive movies.  I do like The Muppets Christmas Carol and if any of you fancy venturing out to the cinema, I would strongly recommend the new Spiderman movie. 

Thank you to all parents and carers who have sent us boxes of chocolates and biscuits this week.  They have been very well received (not sure the waistline will thank us in January!) 

I’d like to thank all of our parents and carers for your support this year.   It makes such a difference when we can work together.  A special thank you as well to all of the staff who have worked tirelessly to provide outstanding opportunities for all of our students and a big thank you to all of our students who make Alsager School such a great place to be. 

Whatever your plans this Christmas, stay safe and take care.

“Kindness in words creates confidence.  Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.  Kindness in giving creates love.” (Lao Tzu)

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