Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

Good morning,

I feel that this message should come with a fanfare in that we have made it to the end of the academic year.  It is such a shame that so many are now self-isolating and have missed out on the end of term activities but if it is any consolation, they have been rather muted this year anyway.  We will save the best for next year. 

Details will be out today for the mass testing programme.  The year group dates/times are for the year group your child will be in September 2021.  When we return in September we are reverting back to our school life pre-Covid.  We will not have the zones and the need for additional breaks between periods 1 and 2, 4 and 5 has been removed.  We will be keeping hand sanitizer and classrooms will be ventilated, whilst maintaining a comfortable temperature.  We will also maintain the more frequent cleaning regime of the key areas around school.  However, we do have to be prepared for things to change at the last minute, but in the event that this happens, I will communicate changes with you.

All students are expected to return on Thursday 2nd September. Pupils in Y7 and Y12 should be in school for an 8:40 start and pupils in Y8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 should be on site at 10:45.

Year 13 may be on site earlier due to testing, however their lessons will not start until period 3.

We are saying goodbye today to a number of staff: Mr Ackerley is leaving us after 3 years in the English faculty, Miss Greenwood leaves us after 7 years as a science teacher and Mrs Cleaver, our attendance and welfare officer,  is leaving after being with us for 9 years.  Miss Brammeld, Miss Sewell, Mr Moore are leaving us from the SEND department.  We wish them all well as they embark on their next venture.

A reminder that all of our uniform requirements can be accessed on our website.

Your support has been fantastic this year; it is an absolute pleasure to be part of our caring community.  On behalf of all the staff I’d like to thank everyone who has sent in kind words and messages throughout the year.  They really are very much appreciated.  

Have a wonderful summer, stay safe and well and we all look forward to seeing you again in September, ready for another exciting school year. 

“ ‘cause a little bit of summer is what the whole year is all about.” (John Mayer)

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