Dear Parents / Carers
This is a very short update following the announcement this evening by the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Education about the changing role of schools in the weeks and months ahead. I am sure, like me, you are still trying to digest what has been said and I am also sure that, like me, you have many unanswered questions. I will update you again tomorrow as soon as I receive more information from the government.
I would like all parents / carers to understand that schools are being asked to fulfil a very different role in the weeks and months ahead, please be patient with us while we try and clarify exactly how this will work in practice. However, one thing I do know is that we must all work together for the benefit of our community and our nation to get through the difficult times we have ahead.
In the short term, can I reassure parents / carers and students in year 11 and 13, (of which I am one) ,that even though not all the details have been decided by the government yet, you will be awarded the qualifications you deserve this year and you will be able to go onto the next stage of your lives.
I can assure you that we will do all we can to support you and your families in the testing times ahead.
Kind regards and please take care
Richard Middlebrook