Alsager School Governance

Alsager School is part of the The Cornovii Trust

The role of Chair is shared between Mrs Anna Wheaver and Mr David Edwards. Vice Chair is Mr Andrew Bennett. 


Contacting your parent governors

A reminder that should you wish to contact any of your parent governors, please do so via the following Microsoft Forms link – : Parent/carer communication with PARENT GOVERNORS.  Please be advised that this Microsoft Form is to be used purely as a communication tool for you as parent/carers to share your thoughts/ideas with the parent body, which have been elected by you.  It is NOT intended as a method to pursue any complaint you may have.  As Alsager School is part of the Cornovii Trust, any complaint is dealt with under the Trust’s complaints policy and procedure.  This can be accessed via the school website via the link on the Key Policies & Statements page to The Cornovii Trust website.

Please be advised that any returns made to your parent governors will be monitored and shared with them, but they won’t be actioned daily and you will receive a response from a member of the parent body in due course.  This process will allow your elected parent governors to be aware of the issues which are important to you and will also allow them to highlight any trends which they can then share with the school leadership team.


Mr Middlebrook
An Achieving School; A Caring Community” underpins our approach in education.
Alsager School
Mr Middlebrook
An Achieving School; A Caring Community” underpins our approach in education.
Mrs O'Neill
Alsager School is a fantastic community where we foster kindness and respect.
Alsager School
Mrs O'Neill
Alsager School is a fantastic community where we foster kindness and respect.
Alsager School